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Enabling Collection Signing

Galaxy Server can create, sync, receive as well as upload, verify, and serve collection signatures.

A signature is typically a GPG ASCII Armoured Detached artifact, in other words, a file e.g: MANIFEST.json.asc that is created by a GPG compatible script based on the MANIFEST.json file.

The MANIFEST.json file already contains checksums to verify all the other artifacts inside a collection so that is why the signature is created based on this file.

Enabling signing on pulp installer

Pulp installer can also be configured to enable signing if you configures using pulp-installer you can skip the Creating Signing Service section of this page.

Creating Signatures

Signatures can be manually created and then later uploaded to a galaxy server or the galaxy server can internally create a signature for each collection.

Signing Service

A signing service is an object defined on the pulp backend that combines a GPG key and the absolute path of an executable script.

Creating a signing service

To create a signing service on the Galaxy server it is needed to access the django-admin utility and execute:


The command must run inside the Python Environment where galaxy_ng workers are installed.

Bash Command
django-admin add-signing-service \  #(1)
    unique-name \  #(2)
    /abs/path/to/ \ #(3)
    GPG_KEY_ID #(4)
  1. A django management command.
  2. Name the signing_service should get in the database.
  3. Absolute path to Shell script where the signing is performed.
  4. Key id of the public key.

The positional arguments to the add-signing-service command:


When importing the key to the keyring the trust level must be set to some value higher than 3. ex: echo "${KEY_FINGERPRINT}:6:" | gpg --batch --import-ownertrust

Configuring Galaxy to use the Signing Service

To tell galaxy which signing service to use you need to set it in the pulp settings.

Option 1:


  1. The name of the created signing service

Option 2:

Environment Variable

  1. The name of the created signing service

Configuring Galaxy to automatically sign during approval

Option 1:


  1. A bool Enables automatic signing on approval

Option 2:

Environment Variable

  1. On env var can be one of true, True, 1, on, enabled


The Automatic Signing must be enabled only when GALAXY_REQUIRE_CONTENT_APPROVAL is True Otherwise all the content published will be signed without further checks.

Click here for a full example script
# 1. Create the GPG key if not exists

gpg --full-gen-key

# Please select what kind of key you want:
#    (4) RSA (sign only)
# Your selection? 4
# What keysize do you want? (2048)
# Requested keysize is 2048 bits
# Please specify how long the key should be valid.
# Key is valid for? (0)
# Key does not expire at all
# Is this correct? (y/N) y
# Inform extra data such as Real Name, Company and email address.

# 2. List the keys to fetch the KEY_FINGERPRINT
# replace KEY with the key id from previous output or email.

$(gpg -k --with-fingerprint --with-colons KEY|awk -F: '$1 == "fpr" {print $10;}'|head -n1)

# 3. Set the trust level

echo "${KEY_FINGERPRINT}:6:" | gpg --batch --import-ownertrust

# Create the signing script

cat <<EOF >> /etc/pulp/scripts/
#!/usr/bin/env bash


PASSWORD="password if needed"

# Create a detached signature
gpg --quiet --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --yes --passphrase \
$PASSWORD --homedir ~/.gnupg/ --detach-sign --default-key $ADMIN_ID \
--armor --output $SIGNATURE_PATH $FILE_PATH

# Check the exit status
if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then
echo {\"file\": \"$FILE_PATH\", \"signature\": \"$SIGNATURE_PATH\"}
exit $STATUS

# Create the signing service

django-admin add-signing-service \
ansible-default \
/etc/pulp/scripts/ \

# Enable the signing service on galaxy settings

echo "GALAXY_COLLECTION_SIGNING_SERVICE='ansible-default'" >> /etc/pulp/

# OR


# Optionally enable automatic signing upon approval
# NOTE: this must be enabled only if

echo "GALAXY_AUTO_SIGN_COLLECTIONS=True" >> /etc/pulp/

# OR


Signing via API

curl -X POST \
  '' \  # (1)
  --header 'Authorization: Token abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890' \ # (2)
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "signing_service": "ansible-default",
    "distro_base_path": "staging",
    "namespace": "awx",
    "collection": "collection_name",
    "version": "0.1.0"
  1. Replace with your FQDN
  2. Provide your Galaxy API token


Omit version to sign entire collection Omit collection to sign entire namespace Omit namespace and provide to sign entire repository Or provide content_units=["*"] or content_units=["pulp_hrefs", ...]

Signing via UI

On Galaxy UI Signing buttons are available under the pages:

  • Namespace (sign entire namespace)
  • Collection (sign entire collection, sign x.y.z version)
  • Approval Dashboard (sign and approve, when enabled)

Signature Upload

NOTE Signature Upload doesn't require a SigningService, the server requirement is the existence of a keyring with the public keys to perform signature verification.

Enabling support for signature upload on the galaxy server

  1. Set the variable GALAXY_SIGNATURE_UPLOAD_ENABLED=True on the setings file.
  2. Create a keyring on and import the public key able to verify the signature during the upload to that keyring.

    gpg --batch --no-default-keyring \
        --keyring /etc/pulp/certs/galaxy.kbx \
        --import path_to_your_public.key

  3. Set the destination repositories to use the keyring.

    django-admin set-repo-keyring repo-name /etc/pulp/certs/galaxy.kbx
    For example, if the upload will be performed before approval, set the keyring to staging repo.

With the above configuration now the repository is able to accept signature uploads and verify the signature during the upload process.

NOTE if keyring is not set, then upload will be rejected to avoid uploading invalid signatures.

Requiring signature for approval

When Signature upload is enabled and Content Approval is also enabled It is possible to set GALAXY_REQUIRE_SIGNATURE_FOR_APPROVAL=True And then the approval dashboard will allow approvals only of collections having a signature.

Manually Signing a Collection

Signatures can also be manually created locally and uploaded to Galaxy to be attached to a collection version.

  1. Download (or build) the collection locally
  2. Extract the MANIFEST.json from the collection tarball
  3. Sign the collection using GPG detached with the same key as the one configured on the Galaxy Repository. Example:
    # Having the private key set locally
    # (the same private key that matched the repo keyring previously configured)
    gpg --quiet --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --yes
    --homedir ~/.gnupg/ --detach-sign --default-key KEY_ID \
    --armor --output MANIFEST.json.asc MANIFEST.json
  4. The signing generates a file MANIFEST.json.asc that now can be uploaded to Galaxy Server.

Uploading the signature via API

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \
  -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  -F 'file=@MANIFEST.json.asc;type=text/plain' \
  -F 'repository=/pulp/api/v3/repositories/ansible/ansible/43dd716c-f7dd-4a80-b889-36818ed3e347/' \
  -F 'signed_collection=/pulp/api/v3/content/ansible/collection_versions/40f85531-29a5-4eb7-b4cd-a850f8824daf/'


This endpoint is under /pulp/ namespace and requires the relations to be set using pulp_hrefs (full url for pulp objects)

Uploading the signature via UI

When enabled there will be upload buttons on the pages:

  • Collection Version
  • Approval Dashboard

Syncing Signatures

When syncing from remote servers, if the signature is served by the remote then Galaxy will also sync all the existing signatures.

Signatures are additive, so each collection can hold multiple signatures.

On galaxy Repo Management -> Remotes it is possible to set a remote to sync only signed collections

Serving Signatures on API

Signatures are served on the v3/content/collections API under the signatures field.

Exposing Sign State on UI

UI shows the following badges:

  • Signed (All versions under the collection are signed)
  • Partial (Some versions are signed but not entire collection)
  • Unsigned (No versions of the collection are signed)

Signature verification

Obtaining the public key

The public keys for the signing services on a Galaxy Server are exposed on the URL https://FQDN/pulp/api/v3/signing-services/

If the signature comes from a remote server then its public key must be found on the remote directly.

Verification during installation

Signature verification is performed by ansible-galaxy CLI.

Feature flags

The web UI of reads feature flags from settings.GALAXY_FEATURE_FLAGS which is a Python dict object holding keys to granularly control the signing feature, the flags has default values computed based on settings and usually IT IS NOT NEEDED TO CHANGE IT MANUALLY, however if needed can be manually changed.

For example, to enable signing feature + upload of signatures

export PULP_GALAXY_FEATURE_FLAGS__signatures_enabled=true
export PULP_GALAXY_FEATURE_FLAGS__can_upload_signatures=true

TIP the above can also be defined on /etc/pulp/, remove the PULP_ prefix and use Python booleans GALAXY_FEATURE_FLAGS__signatures_enabled = True

The Signing Flags

  • signatures_enabled
    • renaming of collection_signing (which will be kept for compatibility)
    • defaults: the value of collection_signing flag (which is true whenever settings.GALAXY_COLLECTION_SIGNING_SERVICE is a non-empty string)
  • require_upload_signatures
    • Should approve button be disabled if signature is required?
    • defaults: the value of settings.GALAXY_REQUIRE_SIGNATURE_FOR_APPROVAL AND signatures_enabled
  • can_create_signatures
    • Should UI display the links to sign collection on namespace and version pages?
    • defaults: signature_enabled AND settings.COLLECTION_SIGNING_SERVICE is set AND SigningService is configured with signing keys.
  • can_upload_signatures
    • Should UI display the upload signature button?
    • defaults: signatures_enabled AND require_upload_signatures or settings.GALAXY_SIGNATURE_UPLOAD_ENABLED is True
  • collection_auto_sign
    • Should collection be automatically signed during manual approval or auto approval?
    • defaults: signatures_enabled AND can_create_signatures and GALAXY_AUTO_SIGN_COLLECTIONS
  • display_signatures
    • Should UI show: badges, text, signature text, filter?
    • defaults: signatures_enabled AND ( can_create_signatures OR can_upload_signatures)

The flags above are exposed on /api/automation-hub/_ui/v1/feature-flags/ URL.

Last update: 2022-06-22