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Development Setup

The Project Repository

  1. Create your own fork of the repository
  2. Clone it to your projects folder
cd your/preferred/projects/folder
git clone<YOUR_USER_NAME>/galaxy_ng.git


We require all commits to be signed, so configure PGP signing on your git

Configuring your local code editor

Set your working directory to Galaxy folder

cd galaxy_ng

You can use your editor of choice and if you want to have the editor (ex: VsCode) to inspect the code for you might need to create a virtual environment and install the packages.

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r dev_requirements.txt
python -m pip install -r docs_requirements.txt
python -m pip install -r integration_requirements.txt
python -m pip install -e .

Now you can for example open code . and have VsCode to find the libraries you need.

Running the container based dev environment

Our containerized development environment configuration is loaded from the .compose.env script. You'll first need to configure it, and the easiest way to do that is by copying an example script .compose.env.example:

cp .compose.env.example .compose.env

By default, the development environment is configured to run in insights mode, which requires a 3rd party authentication provider. If you're working outside of the Red Hat cloud platform, you'll want to switch it to standalone mode by modifying your .compose.env file, and setting the COMPOSE_PROFILE variable to standalone, as shown in the following example:


If you want to run in standalone mode while using Keycloak to provide single sign-on with a pre-populated LDAP server <>_ you'll want to switch it to standalone-keycloak mode by modifying your .compose.env file, and setting the COMPOSE_PROFILE variable to standalone-keycloak, as shown in the following example:


Enable the UI

If you would like to develop using the UI, simply do the following:

  1. Clone to the same path where galaxy_ng is located.

    cd your/preferred/projects/folder
    git clone
    cd galaxy_ng

  2. Set ANSIBLE_HUB_UI_PATH in your .compose.env file to point to the location of the cloned UI repo. Absolute paths aren't required, but they're easier to set up. If you want to use a relative path, it has to be relative to dev/docker-compose.yml

  3. Complete the rest of the steps in the next section. Once everything is running the UI can be accessed at http://localhost:8002

Access the UI in insights mode

Skip this step if you don't have access to the Red Hat VPN.

If you want to be able to run the app in insights mode you need to add the following in your /etc/hosts file.

To access the UI when running in insights mode:

  1. Connect to the Red Hat VPN

  2. Navigate to

  3. You'll need a Red Hat username and password to authenticate with the dev Red Hat SSO server. Anyone on the Galaxy team should be able to provide you with one.

Run the Build Steps

Next, run the following steps to build your local development environment:

  1. Build the docker image

    make docker/build
  2. Initialize and migrate the database

    make docker/migrate
  3. Load dev data

    make docker/loaddata 
    make docker/loadtoken


You can run everything at once with

make docker/build docker/migrate docker/loaddata docker/loadtoken

Start the services

In foreground keeping terminal opened for watching outputs

./compose up

In Background (you can close the terminal later)

./compose up -d


Using Keycloak

If using standalone-keycloak you will need to initialize your Keycloak instance before running migrations and starting the remaining services.

  1. Start the Keycloak instance and dependencies

    ./compose up -d keycloak kc-postgres ldap
  2. Bootstrap the Keycloak instance with a Realm and Client then capture the needed public key

    ansible-playbook ./dev/standalone-keycloak/keycloak-playbook.yaml

    NOTE Try again if it fails at the first run, services might not be available yet.

  3. Update your .compose.env file with the public key found at the end of the playbook run


After the standard development set up steps, when you access http://localhost:8002 it will redirect to a Keycloak Open ID Connect flow login page, where you can login with one of the development SSO user's credentials (the password is the username). If you want to login with non-Keycloak users, you need to use the Django admin console <http://localhost:5001/automation-hub/admin/>_.

If you want to login as a superuser, you can do one of two things:

  1. Login to the Django admin console <http://localhost:5001/automation-hub/admin/>_ with the admin user

  2. Login to the Keycloak instance <http://localhost:8080/>_ with admin/admin to edit the LDAP user's roles: Choose a development SSO user, select Role Mappings > Client Roles > automation-hub and add the hubadmin role. A user is associated with the appropriate group(s) using the user_group pipeline.

Testing data

Push Container Images to local registry


make api/push-test-images
will push a bunch of testing images to your running system

To push images into the container image registry hosted by galaxy_ng (via pulp_container), you need to tag an image first to tell Docker or Podman that you want to associate the image with the registry. On a local development setup, the pulp_container runs along with the Galaxy API on port 5001.

Tag an image like this:

docker image tag <IMAGE_ID> localhost:5001/<NAME>:<VERSION>

or, to associate with a namespace:

docker image tag <IMAGE_ID> localhost:5001/<NAMESPACE>/<NAME>:<VERSION>

And then push the image and the engine will upload it to the now-associated registry:

docker push localhost:5001/testflat
Creating a set of collections for testing


make api/create-test-collections
Will generate collections and populate the system

Additional Dependencies

When running docker environment, the project's parent directory is mounted into container as /app. All projects listed in DEV_SOURCE_PATH environment variable are installed in editable mode (pip install -e) in the container. To load additional projects such as galaxy-importer or pulp_ansible into the container from host file system you should clone them into the parent directory relative to your galaxy_ng working copy location.

For example you want to work on galaxy-importer project and run development environment with your changes made locally.

  1. Clone galaxy-importer to parent directory::

    cd your/preferred/projects/folder
    git clone
    cd galaxy_ng
  2. Add galaxy-importer to DEV_SOURCE_PATH variable in your .compose.env file::

    export DEV_SOURCE_PATH='galaxy_ng:galaxy-importer'
  3. Recreate your development environment::

    ./compose down 
    make docker/build docker/migrate
    ./compose up


The step above can be done for other Pulp plugins such as pulp_ansible or pulp_container

Steps to run dev environment with specific upstream branch

  1. Clone locally galaxy_ng, pulpcore and pulp_ansible all the repos must be located at the same directory level.

    cd ~/projects/
    git clone
    git clone
    git clone
    # and optionally
    git clone
    git clone
  2. Checkout to desired branches. pulp_ansible main is compatible with a specific range of pulpcore versions. So it is recommended to checkout to a specific branch or tag following the constraints defined on pulp_ansible/requirements.txt or leave it checked out to main if you know it is compatible with the pulp_ansible branch you have. Example:

    cd ~/projects/pulpcore
    git checkout 3.9.0

    This is also possible to checkout to specific pull-requests by its refs/pull/id.

  3. Edit the galaxy_ng/.compose.env file.

    cd ~/projects/galaxy_ng
    cat .compose.env

    DEV_SOURCE_PATH refers to the repositories you cloned locally, the order is important from the highest to the low dependecy, otherwise pip will raise version conflicts.

    So pulpcore is a dependency to pulp_ansible which is a dependency to galaxy_ng, this order must be respected on DEV_SOURCE_PATH variable.

    LOCK_REQUIREMENTS when set to 0 it tells docker to bypass the install of pinned requirements and rely only on packages defined on for each repo.

  4. Run ./compose build to make those changes effective.

  5. Run desired compose command: ./compose up, ./compose run etc...

Bumping The Version

The canonical source of truth for the 'version' is now in setup.cfg in the bumpversion stanza:

current_version =

To update version, it is recommended to "bump" the version instead of explicitly specifying it.

Use bump2version to increment the 'version' string wherever it is needed.

It can 'bump' the 'patch', 'minor', 'major' version components.

There are also Makefile targets for bumping versions. To do a 'patch' version bump, for example:

 $ make dev/bumpversion-patch

The above command will rev the 'patch' level and update all the files that use it.

Note: Currently, the bump2version config does not git commit or git tag the changes. So after bumping the version, you need to commit the changes and tag manually.

   $ git commit -v -a
   $ git tag $NEWVERSION

bump2version can also do this automatically if we want to enable it.


Add galaxy-importer.cfg to dev environment

To set your own galaxy-importer.cfg, add something like this to /dev/Dockerfile.base:

RUN mkdir /etc/galaxy-importer \
    && printf "[galaxy-importer]\n \
LOG_LEVEL_MAIN = INFO\n" | tee /etc/galaxy-importer/galaxy-importer.cfg


Docs are writen using mkdocs

  • Markdown files under /docs folder are documentation pages.
  • Menu is set on mkdocs.yml file.

After the edits to the docs are done you can run

make docs/install
make docs/serve

Then you can open http://localhost:8000 and see your live reloading changes to the docs markdown files.

Last update: 2022-05-03